A downloadable game

In this card game, you play as either the oppressive forces of Cortex, or as protestors fighting for freedom. 

The objective is to defeat your opponent to either reach the central of government with your protest, or to stop the protestors from breaking the public peace.


Developed for the April'24 Game Creator's Club at Lusofona University. This time, the theme was "Freedom".

This is the eight game in the "The Cortex Chronicles" - I want all the games I do for the Game Creator's Club this year to be linked together, hence this idea. I also want to use a different engine on every entry, so let's see how that goes! :)

This time, I used plain old paper, so it counts!

I'll probably eventually release a digital version of this, when I do the full source code will be available at https://github.com/DiogoDeAndrade/CortexChronicles8


Previous games in the Cortex Chronicles:

  1. The Trial of Rowan Reed
  2. The Ride of Jax Riven
  3. The Escape of Rowan Reed
  4. The Vengeance of Nyx Sterling
  5. The Simulations of Ignatius Cogwell
  6. The Infiltration of Nyx Sterling
  7. The Assault of Jax Riven


Cortex8.zip 12 MB

Install instructions

Download and extract it, it has instructions and the card sets. 

You probably want to print and cut the cards to play. There are 3 sets of cards, I recommend 8 copies of each (so both players can have 4 of each card on his deck)

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